
We’re proud of our team and attribute our success to the fact that we view each other as colleagues and not just employees.

Subject Matter Expert

Well paid position teaching one hour or more per week teaching new clients how to use some portion of darwin software that you already know really well. Additionally, Subject Matter Experts will be able to participate in private, advanced training and skill development classes that are currently only available to AccountTECH staff.

AccountTECH Concierge

Very well paid position teaching one hour or more per week working as a mentor/trainer to new and existing clients on a variety of topics on the use and implementation of darwin software. Topics that a concierge will teach could include topics such as:

  • Basic use of darwin features
  • Teaching advanced efficiency tools in darwin
  • Guiding bookkeepers through the move from Quickbooks to darwin
  • Advising new clients on the best practices for rolling out darwin to front desk and accounting staff

Additionally, each month AccountTECH Concierges will be given preview access to new software features and will get priority status on their darwin enhancement requests. Members of the concierge team will be able to participate in private, advanced training and skill development classes that are currently only available to AccountTECH staff.

Introductory Demonstration Leader

High paid position leading introductory demonstrations of darwin software for one hour or more per week. Demo staff will display the basic features of darwin to interested prospects using an existing demonstration outline. Training materials provided include both outlines of a typical introductory demo and a demo video library. This position requires users to have enough confidence in their use of darwin software that they will be able to go “off script” when answering unexpected questions from potential customers.

Demonstration Leaders will be invited to join the AccountTECH roadmap planning team. The roadmap planning team decides long, medium and short term projects for the ongoing development and enhancement of darwin software. Members of the demo team will be able to participate in private, advanced training and skill development classes that are currently only available to AccountTECH staff.