here's what you need to do

here's what you need to do

Tasks to do on-site

Someone in the office needs to send AccountTECH some receipts and bills as they come in.  Usually this is done by just uploading the receipts and bills into darwin.  What's great about this approach is that it not only give the team at AccountTECH what they need to do their work, but it also provides a paper trail - all in one place - for everything that has anything to do with your accounting.  See the list below for the complete (and very short) list of everything your team would need to do:

work for closings

  • deposit commission proceeds in the bank
  • post amount received in darwin
  • upload the deposit receipt
  • change status to: Ready to close

work for closings notes

  • we have you post the amount received in darwin with the commission payment button so that we can audit the receipts vs bank deposits

work for bill pay

  • email or upload a copy of every bill not paid online or auto-draft
  • provide breakdown if bill needs to be charged to agents
  • answer questions on bills as needed

work for bill pay notes

  • optional: select which bills to pay. If you want to be in charge of what bills to pay and when

work for agent billing

  • deposit the agent payments
  • upload a scan of agent payment bank deposit

work for payroll

  • report hours to payroll service

work for credit card expense processing

  • answer questions about credit card charges as needed

Ready to evolve?

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