Requirements & exclusions

Requirements & exclusions

Service requirements

There are a series of requirements that need to be met so that the accountants at AccountTECH can provide best-in-class CFO level accounting for very low prices.  Some of the requirements are software programs that you need to use. Additionally, there are services you will need to subscribe to.  And finally, there are some systems that you will want to give your AccountTECH team access to so that they can minimize the amount of work you need to do.  Check out this list of requirements

software requirement

  • use darwin.Cloud
  • use standard industry approved chart of accounts that enables benchmarking

system requirements

  • create a merchant services account for direct deposits and credit cards with
  • bank with a technologically “up-to-date” bank that successfully implements streaming with the major bank streaming services
  • use a credit card that is technologically up-to-date and works with the major credit card streaming services

operational requirements

  • get each agent setup for commission direct deposit (or eCheck payment)
  • get each agent setup for bill pay by credit card or ACH
  • work with AccountTECH to put as many payables as possible on auto-pay or online pay

security access we will need

  • login to payroll software to obtain weekly payroll reports. This lets us get & post your payroll expense without you needing to do anything
  • login to your franchise portal to deliver your franchise reporting information and pay your franchise expenses for you
  • login to IRS portal to pay your estimated Quarterly tax payments
  • login to State tax portal to pay your estimated Quarterly tax payments

security access we MIGHT need

  • independent (or supervised if you prefer) read-only access to company bank accounts if the streaming bank data ever gets interrupted
  • independent (or supervised if you prefer) access to your merchant services portal if you want assistance reversing a direct deposit transfer
  • read-only access to your prior accounting system for research, bank reconciliation questions on outstanding items & opening balances for the balance sheet, accounts receivable and accounts payable.

security access we will NEVER have

  • permissions to request your franchise to modify your royalty fees on a transaction that was recalculated after the closing. The national franchises don't allow that for 3rd parties
  • permission to adjust, modify or initiate transfer in any company bank account

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